Ulster Project Arlington 

"Promoting unity amid diversity, since 1994"

The UPATX Experience

The Ulster Project is based on a simple idea of sharing experiences.  Northern Irish Catholic and Protestant teenagers are hosted by American families with a teenager of the same age and gender.  These young leaders from Northern Ireland and the United States build immediate friendships to provide a safe and trusting atmosphere.  The teens meet almost daily throughout the project for worship, community service, self-discovery and fun. They will discuss the troubles they face in their lives and learn new ways around the prejudices and stereotypes that contribute to the violence often found in Northern Ireland.  These meetings are facilitated by counselors, teachers and volunteers who organize the activities.

Community Service Projects

UPATX gets involved with the local community. Service projects include providing meals, working at local charities, and more. Some of the organizations that we work with include:

Team Building

UPATX teens will participate in team building experiences that will promote personal growth, social skills, and leadership. Team building includes:

Fun, Fun, & More Fun!

UPATX is the ultimate summer of fun. Many teens in the past have said that the project was one of the best summers of their life. The fun includes:

More About UPATX

Watch below featuring testimonials from past participants who want to share their experience.

Volunteer & Host Family Background Check 

Reminder to ALL adults (18 or older) participating in the Ulster Project: A Background Check authorization form needs to be turned in each year you participate. Click HERE submit your online authorization form.